7 Foods That Can Make Body Odor

The food you eat can affect your body's scent, some can even cause body odor.

A little review about body odor: when the body temperature is rising due to the effects of stress, nervousness, or hot weather, this will activate glands sweat. But, the sweat itself is in fact odorless.

Body odor is the scent emitted by the body when sweating. This odor is produced when sweat touches the surface of the skin and combined with the bacteria, according to the Mayo Clinic.

As for the pungent body odor is usually caused by consuming food with certain compounds that drastically could smell the sharp until unbearable.

It gets worse again, some foods cause body odor stung is classified into the Group of healthy foods. Fortunately, the body odor due to the temporary nature of the food.

"It took two hours for the body before beginning to smell," said Debra Jail main, dermatologist and author of Skin Rules: Trade Secrets From a Top Dermatologist, "and this could last for several hours."

To avoid the body odor, especially when will attend an important event, here are some of the foods you need to avoid, citing the men's Fitness, Monday (2/10/2017):

1. Red Meat

A large portion of red meat is hard to digest, so it will leave residue. The residue will be released together with sweat, when mixed with bacteria in the skin, will sharp the body odor, according to Jailmain.

2. A diet low in carbohydrates

We use carbohydrates as an energy source. When carbohydrates are pruned, the body will be forced to produce Cetones, as an alternative.

However, one of the three Cetone bodies are produced are acetone, which results in a unique, strong scent especially in the breath.

So, make sure your daily menu are not slashed all sources of carbohydrates.

3. Alcohol

When you consume alcohol, this drink will be absorbed by the body and digested asetic acid , which is then released through the pores of the skin. This is why, after a person consumes alcohol, their scent is still torture, although already showered.

The more you drink it, the more Your body odor also sting.

4. Junk food

Junk food or fast food filled with materials that are already processed, that will increase cholesterol. The ingredients in junk food also has no chlorophyllessential molecules that could help drive away the stench of the body.

5. Vegetable curciferous

Rich in potassium and antioxidants, vegetables such as broccoli, turnips, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain sulfur. Sulfur is a compound that naturally has a pungent odor.

So, eating vegetables that nourish this body will sharp the body odor when you are sweating, breathing, and fart.

6. Fish

Fish contain Colin, which gave him a fishy odor. And when consumed, Colin could also could cause the pungent aroma.

"Some people can't digest the fish thoroughly, so they so fishy smelling. This is because the release of compounds named trimethylamine through sweat. This is caused by a genetic disease called trymethylaminuria lineage, "explained Jailmain.

7. Garlic & Onion

Garlic and onions are rich in sulfur compounds that give him a sharp odor.When absorbed into the blood stream, the compound will be back out through the lungs, so make your breath stink.

The smell of onions can also exit through the sweat, that will make your body odor. However, don't get rid of onions from the daily menu, because it could speed up digestion.

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